Liu Xie was very interested and looked around the temple. Do you have any suggestions?

Wang Yun shook his sleeves. Old minister Huangfusong should be the only person to guard Beizhou because of his excellent military forces.
桑拿论坛However, if Huangfusong’s 30,000 troops are suddenly deployed, there are only less than 10,000 guards around Luoyang, fearing that the people will be uneasy. Zhao Qian quickly overthrew the conclusion that the official is established
Yun3 saw his one eye. This can make Huangfusong lead ten thousand chosen men into Bing and the rest of the military forces also defend the official nationalities.
Liu Xie hesitated slightly and looked at the silence again. What’s Xungong’s opinion?
The veteran is not good at military affairs, but the princes and princes have this objection. Xun Shuang got up and agreed.
Sangong reached an agreement, and Liu Xie nodded in agreement, Quasiplaying immediately made Huangfusong come to Syria.
Sangong Zhu Di returned to their original positions respectively.
An old man across the street said, Fu Youzhou herded Liu Yuyun, the right satrap of Beiping, and Gongsun Zan used the edict to suppress Hu’s wanton expansion of military forces, so he repeatedly refused to take orders from Liu Yu, so he asked for a sacred cut.
Who’s this? I asked Cai Yong in a low voice. It should be Jiuqingyi.
Zong Zheng Liu Cai Yong replied.
Liu what? I didn’t catch that …
However, I heard Shang Ling Lu Zhi say, Bogui is an old minister. When I was a child, I read a handsome man, and I was generous and loyal.
Liu Xie noncommittally asked instead, Can Liu Yu have a nephew in Beijing since he is an imperial clan?
Immediately, someone bowed their heads and bowed down and said, Little minister Liu He’s life guarantees that every word of my father is true.
Since it is the imperial clan brother, get up. Liu Xie stretched out his hand and lifted it. Let’s talk about all the ministers and workers.
Liu Sima’s imperial clan is always gentle and steady, but going to the far north is to appease barbarians and Hu Lu to make them feel that there will be no big mistakes in their virtues. Yunyun Kan Kan said, Although the frontier fortress people in Gongsun Zan learn less classics, they will not change their barbarian ethos after all, and they will only serve the war and murder. If I am uneasy about ruling the sky, it is not appropriate to be too prosperous … This matter should be punished by Gongsun Zan.
Zhao Qian’s other ministers agreed respectively.
In front of my eyes, Zhang Wen shook his clothes and stood up and said, Gongsun Zan, who is cunning and aggressive in the north, should have something to do since he declared to expand his armaments. Although Liu Yu is an imperial official, he may not know that it is difficult for the military to be in charge of Gongsun Zan by him. It is difficult to have contradictions. It is necessary to break the two sides’ words.
I knew that Zhang Wen had fought for many years in his prime, and he was at least an expert in military affairs compared with most ministers in court. This remark really sounded much more objective to me.
Zhao Qian some unhappiness or Zhang Gong know soldiers alone? Zhao also led the counterinsurgency. Will he not have to obey the command after repeated battles? Don’t waste the public.
Zhang private waste public? Zhang Wenang walked forward. Dare you ask if Zhao Taiwei’s pavilion is a rebellion?
Zhao Qian has not yet answered Zhang Wen’s folded way, But what about the yellow turban insurrectionary thief’s remnants? Is it better than Zhang’s attack on Qiang Hu? !”
There was still some confidence in Zhao Qian, who was silent for a moment and finally sighed, Zhao is not as good as.
Cai Yong said a few words in a low voice. I can generally say that Zhao Qianping rebelled, but only led thousands of militiamen in Runan County to cooperate with Huangfusong, Lu Zhi and Zhu Xi’s main forces to clean up. It is selfevident that Zhang Wen led tens of thousands of regular troops to suppress Qiang Hu and Han Chinese uprising in Huangzhong area.
Guang Luxun Yang Biao echoed that Zhang Gong said that it is impossible to send an envoy to investigate the reasons, and you should not arbitrarily reward and punish you.
Yang Biao and Zhang Wen belong to the top three fairs, and their prestige is not low. There are also many people who agree with this statement
I shook my head secretly and I have to check it out slowly? I’ll stay for a few days, and I’ll be half a year later. By then, Liu Yu may have been swallowed by Gongsun Zan and Jizhou may have been digested by Yuan Shao.
But what can I do?
I’m not arrogant enough to take the initiative to refute the opinions of the three public officials and nine noble officials.
Liu Xie smiled. Yang Gong is right. It’s not wrong for you to be in the border of Youzhou, but it’s also timeconsuming and inappropriate for me to make a detailed investigation by the emissaries. He and I mean the same.
Although the emperor rejected his opinion, Yang Biao was still not pleased that the old minister was ashamed and would like to hear the holy ruling.
Liu Yu, Gongsun Zan two people have negative I ordered Liu Yu grazing ShouZhi, go to big simaqian HongNong satrap; Gongsun Zan satrap job in jizhou fill a county magistrate; What do you think of the trouble of Zhao Gong leading the pastoral staff of Youzhou to patrol the counties to appease the people and educate Qiang Hu?
The temple suddenly became quiet.
Zhao Qian’s face turned white and finally he knelt down to pursue the British saint and cut me to give thanks.
Chapter 24 The youngest nine qing
Pursuit saint … The other two Stuart Wang Yunsi Xun Shuang in the three fairs are all devoting themselves to echoing their gloating. Are they so different?
Liu Xie asked again, Can you take the post of Taiwei?
The respondent of Zhang Wenke is Zhao Qian, the former Qiu who has just been kicked away.
Liu Xie slightly surprised Mr. Zhang? What does Xun Gong and Wang Gong want?
Zhang Gongfu Qiu can’t disagree with the old minister, replied Yun3.
Xun Shuang also said, Zhang Gong knows very well that the army and soldiers are expected.
Liu Xie then announced the life of Zhang Wen.
Zhang Wen immediately bowed down to Zhang Wen, the minister, gave thanks according to the decree.
I was a little surprised. Cai Yong explained in a low voice that Zhang’s adult used to be Qiu, so he called it’ complex’
Well, the post of Wei Wei needs to be selected separately. Liu Xie smiled. Can Zhang Gong have a suitable candidate among your current officials?
Zhang Wen turned to look at our side and shook his head. Old ministers are all newly recruited. I’m afraid they still need to be honed if they want to bear Jiuqing.
Oh? Liu Xie stood up. Don’t hide anything from Zhang Gong.
Baiguan slightly had a commotion.
Zhang Wen was surprised and said, I am ashamed. If I really have a talent, how dare I hide my position?
Do you see the bus Sima Lingru? Liu Xie stretched out two fingers and clicked here.
Baiguan Qi Qi looked at me.
I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know it, but the little emperor didn’t think too much, did he? Although I really want to be promoted, there must be a process, right? ! It took only half a month for Sima Lingcai, a six hundred stone bus, to pull directly to the position of two thousand stones and Jiuqing … To tell the truth, it’s very exaggerated and … it’s too unrealistic.
My little emperor deeply regrets his innocence, and at the same time he is worried about his future. Of course, I’m glad that you have a good impression on me, but it’s not good for you to be so explicit. Maybe some people will make things difficult for me in the future.
Zhang Wen gave me another look. It’s a rare talent for a bus to be both a military official and a civil servant, but I’m still young, lest it suddenly become a heavy responsibility.
Young? Liu Xie suddenly called, How old is Ma Qing?
I quickly climbed up Little Minister Sixteen
Zhang Gong Ma Qing is five years older than me. Liu Xie suddenly came up with such a sentence
Zhang Wen Zheng seems to understand what pursuit is very handsome as a teenager

At this time, a character who made Calderon’s heart chill and hit his heart directly, and generate felt a sense of trembling from the bottom of his heart, reappeared in the field of vision of football circle after two and a half years!

Meeting is not always better than missing.
On November 24th, Zida and Ronaldo held an antipoverty charity match in Morocco, and former Real Madrid President florentino reunited with two former galactic warriors in the background of real Madrid’s deep predicament, which attracted all the witnesses of the Galaxy Battleship Era and made the outside world wonder whether this was florentino’s return to the Bernabeu to pave the way, which made the current Real Madrid President Calderon angry.
It’s quite a coincidence that three people got together this time.
Florentino, president of as group, was invited by Moroccan road construction tycoon to spend his holiday in the country.
After receiving this news, Gonzalez, president of publispor21, invited florentino to watch the charity match, and the President of Real Madrid readily agreed before Zida and Ronaldo met before the game.
On the afternoon of 24th, florentino came to two superstar couch hotels as scheduled.
During the greeting, the former president of Real Madrid said with a smile that Qi Zu can keep in good shape and continue to play professional football.
He also asked about Ronaldo’s injury and said that the Brazilian is not as fat as the outside world said.
In response to Zida’s joke, If you come back, I will return to the professional football world.
Ronaldo said with nostalgia, Chairman, what a wonderful time we spent together!
The whole meeting lasted about 5 minutes.
Later, Ronaldo and Zida were interviewed by Spanish TV 4, which won a charity match and broadcast it in Spain.
In the live interview, TV 4 set florentino up to greet Ronnie Zizu again in front of the camera.
From beginning to end, florentino refused to answer Real Madrid’s question, but said evasively that Ronaldo and Zida are in good shape, and today they are the protagonists
However, Ronaldo and Zida didn’t shy away from the media questioning about their old club.
Real Madrid’s current situation is not Bosque’s fault. In other ways, Barcelona’s great game is even more painful for Real Madrid fans.
Ronnie said this.
Qi Zu said without emotion, As the Barcelona coach said, it seems that all this is not just the beginning of the season, but it seems to be over.
夜网论坛This is the first time since florentino resigned as the president of Real Madrid in 26 years that football appeared in the Spanish public view, which is precisely the two leading players who shocked the world in the Galaxy Age
Therefore, this Galaxy Nostalgia quickly became the focus of Spanish media reports.
In particular, Zida’s sentence I’ll go back when you come back has made the current Real Madrid President Calderon on pins and needles.
Since he was in charge of the Bernabeu for two and a half years, he has always felt that the former shadow has not dissipated. Recently, the news that florentino intends to participate in the 21 ST general election of Real Madrid has become more and more true.
So the afternoon after the charity match, Calderon sent a message: When Real Madrid was in a minicrisis, this gentleman came out. When we won the La Liga championship twice and won the 10th Champions League trophy of Real Madrid Club, he didn’t do so. The trip to florentino was selfinterested and could bring harm to Real Madrid. He knew very well that when all Real Madrid people should be United, it was not helpful for him to take a photo with Zida.
Calderon was rude when he took over.
Let’s see if florentino will take a photo with another player who made Real Madrid pay 400 million pesetas instead of spending so much money on himself in a few days, and then he will say that doing so is a high birth rate and stimulates the development of the porn industry.
Calderon’s criticism of the former is understandable, but it is a pity that the current President of Real Madrid kept his mouth shut during the Real Madrid crisis, which just gave the outside world another hot topic.
When Calderon has been somewhat rude to face the threat posed by florentino, Bosco’s hair is almost white at the training base
Ruud van nistelrooy bid farewell to the season, when Higuain occupied the last hospital bed, and the front line was stretched, which had reached the rice pot dilemma.
At this time, in addition to urging the club to bring in strikers after the winter transfer window, he can also pin his hopes on another invisible substitute striker.
Rabbit saviola
The coaching staff thinks that saviola is a good boy. He never makes noise until he works hard at the training ground and listens to the coach’s arrangement.
However, as the saying goes, crying children have milk to eat, and saviola dare not cry. His playing time is very limited. After joining Real Madrid, he went to the Champions League group stage. Before the fifth round, he scored a total of 922 minutes in the King’s Cup La Liga and the Champions League in one and a half years, and he was still scattered in 25 games, and five of them played and scored a total of four goals.
After Van Nishiguain was injured, Bosco had no choice but to give saviola a chance.
He joked before the game that now we can’t let a player play as a substitute, otherwise I’m afraid even I will have to play.
However, Bosque didn’t get the desired result.
Saviola’s performance in Bart, borisov was disappointing. In the game, he missed several scoring opportunities and didn’t feel anything in front of the goal. Only five shots hit the doorframe twice and he didn’t score. What’s worse, he was intercepted by his opponent for 13 times and became the source of Real Madrid’s near goal.
On the contrary, a league match was played by thousands of fans at the Bernabeu. His goal in the 7th minute not only expanded his scoring record in the Champions League, but also brought valuable 3 points to Real Madrid. In the context of DzenitJuventus draw, Real Madrid led Dzenit by 4 points with 9 points in 5 matches, and advanced to the Champions League knockout in the previous round! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has not been drawn, and it has become a front. 91 is once again king]
The media counted the injuries of Real Madrid in the past game and reached a shocking conclusion.
Real Madrid has fallen into a strange circle of one injury in the past game!
The list of shocking injuries and ups and downs is no longer invincible. Real Madrid is naturally in danger from the outside.
At this time, a character who made Calderon’s heart chill and hit his heart directly, and generate felt a sense of trembling from the bottom of his heart, reappeared in the field of vision of football circle after two and a half years!
Meeting is not always better than missing.
On November 24th, Zida and Ronaldo held an antipoverty charity match in Morocco, and former Real Madrid President florentino reunited with two former galactic warriors in the background of real Madrid’s deep predicament, which attracted all the witnesses of the Galaxy Battleship Era and made the outside world wonder whether this was florentino’s return to the Bernabeu to pave the way, which made the current Real Madrid President Calderon angry.
It’s quite a coincidence that three people got together this time.
Florentino, president of as group, was invited by Moroccan road construction tycoon to spend his holiday in the country.
After receiving this news, Gonzalez, president of publispor21, invited florentino to watch the charity match, and the President of Real Madrid readily agreed before Zida and Ronaldo met before the game.
On the afternoon of 24th, florentino came to two superstar couch hotels as scheduled.
During the greeting, the former president of Real Madrid said with a smile that Qi Zu can keep in good shape and continue to play professional football.
He also asked about Ronaldo’s injury and said that the Brazilian is not as fat as the outside world said.
In response to Zida’s joke, If you come back, I will return to the professional football world.
Ronaldo said with nostalgia, Chairman, what a wonderful time we spent together!
The whole meeting lasted about 5 minutes.
Later, Ronaldo and Zida were interviewed by Spanish TV 4, which won a charity match and broadcast it in Spain.
In the live interview, TV 4 set florentino up to greet Ronnie Zizu again in front of the camera.
From beginning to end, florentino refused to answer Real Madrid’s question, but said evasively that Ronaldo and Zida are in good shape, and today they are the protagonists
However, Ronaldo and Zida didn’t shy away from the media questioning about their old club.
Real Madrid’s current situation is not Bosque’s fault. In other ways, Barcelona’s great game is even more painful for Real Madrid fans.
Ronnie said this.
Qi Zu said without emotion, As the Barcelona coach said, it seems that all this is not just the beginning of the season, but it seems to be over.
This is the first time since florentino resigned as the president of Real Madrid in 26 years that football appeared in the Spanish public view, which is precisely the two leading players who shocked the world in the Galaxy Age
Therefore, this Galaxy Nostalgia quickly became the focus of Spanish media reports.
In particular, Zida’s sentence I’ll go back when you come back has made the current Real Madrid President Calderon on pins and needles.
Since he was in charge of the Bernabeu for two and a half years, he has always felt that the former shadow has not dissipated. Recently, the news that florentino intends to participate in the 21 ST general election of Real Madrid has become more and more true.
So the afternoon after the charity match, Calderon sent a message: When Real Madrid was in a minicrisis, this gentleman came out. When we won the La Liga championship twice and won the 10th Champions League trophy of Real Madrid Club, he didn’t do so. The trip to florentino was selfinterested and could bring harm to Real Madrid. He knew very well that when all Real Madrid people should be United, it was not helpful for him to take a photo with Zida.
Calderon was rude when he took over.
Let’s see if florentino will take a photo with another player who made Real Madrid pay 400 million pesetas instead of spending so much money on himself in a few days, and then he will say that doing so is a high birth rate and stimulates the development of the porn industry.

With five minutes left in the game, Mourinho took the initiative to go to Ferguson’s side. In the British coaching circle, Wenger is the sworn enemy, and Benitez is old and dead, but Ferguson is strangers.

Mourinho looked natural and Ferguson talked a few words to bid farewell to Ferguson, and probably guessed Mourinho’s fate
After the game, Mourinho didn’t walk into the stadium. He walked into the player’s aisle alone, acting smart but his back was extremely lonely! to be continued
[The first sword was successfully defended before it was unsheathed and became the front 542]
At Highbury, the game was over, and the scoreboard showed the score of the game ()
品茶论坛The perfect result of Arsenal Highbury farewell game came to an end.
At the moment when the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game, Highbury thundered in the stands, and several fans stood up, applauded, saluted, hugged and celebrated, and the fans waving the Arsenal flag were particularly excited.
Arsenal’s generals are squeezing their fists in the same place and screaming!
Venting the mental stress and depression that runs through the season!
And taste the fruits of victory after hardship.
In the 2526 season, the 37th round of the English Football Premier League competition ended, and the competition for the Premier League title was also announced after Arsenal defeated Wigan Athletic 30, and the suspense ended Arsenal’s previous round of defending success! Although Chelsea beat Manchester United by the same score of 30 at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea lost the league title by 9 points. The pattern of the Premier League title competition in the season was basically the same. Liverpool and Manchester United both scored more points, but they woke up too late. After falling behind in the first half of the league, they could look at Arsenal and Chelsea as London duo enter the dragon in the middle and late season.
Arsenal have maintained a high level of play in the season without being optimistic. It needs to be said that Henry Qin Xiong played well.
Henry contributed 33 goals and 12 assists in 37 league matches. Qin Xiong contributed 19 goals and 2 assists in 37 league matches. Together, they scored 52 goals, accounting for nearly 7% of Arsenal’s 75 goals in 37 league matches.
Henry will still be the Premier League striker and Wang Qinxiong has also defended the Premier League assists, which is likely to be synchronized in the five major leagues in Europe.
The two men are the key figures for Arsenal to win the championship, and now Arsenal can enjoy the joy of winning the championship. They have created a great record of three consecutive Premier League titles, and there is a Champions League final waiting for them.
At this special moment of bidding farewell to Highbury, Arsenal is making history. Perhaps, as the Times columnist Howard wrote, Arsenal should be able to maintain the existing array and have the opportunity to create an era belonging to the Gunners Dynasty with the improvement of its financial situation!
Highbury will become a sad thing in the past, but it is the best way for the gunners to give Highbury a curtain call.
It seems that the Premier League season is ending, and it doesn’t make much sense. The champion has decided that Arsenal will carve up the biggest cake. Manchester United won the Carling Cup. Liverpool West Ham United will meet in the FA Cup final at a later date. The biggest regret is that Chelsea has a community shield champion to talk about. It is not difficult for us to understand that Stamford Bridge is preparing for heavy news at this time. As an accident, the topic that has been heated up by Fleet Street will come true. Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho will be dismissed!
The four teams that have qualified for the Champions League have already settled. Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool have a little suspense. Who will play the Champions League playoffs between Manchester United and Liverpool?
The relegated teams also surfaced and scored 15 points. Sunderland couldn’t wait to pack their bags and report to the Championship in March. West Brom Burnham are two other poor teams. They took the same train with Sunderland.
There is also no doubt that Blake and Tottenham will qualify for the UEFA Cup this season. It is still in doubt that they will qualify for the Toto Cup, but that is a topic of interest.
In the Premier League season, we witnessed Arsenal going against the current, Chelsea being at a loss at the bottleneck, Liverpool’s road to revival being difficult, and Manchester United’s new generation of Red Devils growing steadily.
What has Arsenal been leading in the title race from the first round of the league to today?
I still remember that before the season, the community shield was devastated by Chelsea and many main players left the team or were lying in bed at the beginning of the season.
Is it unity in hardship?
Or is the great challenge inspiring tenacious fighting capacity?
Or did Wenger plan to win thousands of miles?
Or is it just that Arsenal have all the coveted superstars in the whole European football?
These issues will definitely be hotly discussed on the media platform, and we can now look forward to the Premier League curtain of the season, and we are looking forward to pushing the g4 Group to start another round of war.
Now congratulations to Arsenal for winning the Premier League title this season and being crowned Premier League champion for three consecutive years!
Goodbye, Highbury Gunners will have a new image at Emirates Stadium and the audience will meet for a new journey.
Gun fans will also wish Arsenal good results in the upcoming Champions League final at this time, which is a centuryold honor for Arsenal not to win the European championship!
I don’t know when Highbury has been ringing for a long time. The fans in the stands look different, especially the old gun fans.
There is no award ceremony today, but Arsenal have won the championship.
It’s time to say goodbye to Highbury.
Henry knelt on Highbury turf and bowed his head affectionately to kiss the pitch.
Qin Xiong watched Henry from a distance of ten meters. He didn’t follow the impulse. He was a role that witnessed the departure for Highbury, not here.
He took off his jersey and walked to the sidelines, surrounded by countless reporters.
Qin Xiong answered some questions casually, and he didn’t know that he was as excited as Fabregas.
Perhaps seeing Fabregas in his eyes is more like himself last year.
Today his ambition is stronger than before.
The second Premier League champion cannot be said to be meaningless.
If today is the end of the season, he will be very excited because it is the end of the season.
But now he is worried about the Champions League final!
In addition to the great excitement brought by the Champions League final, he couldn’t help but feel some pressure at the thought of the shining back who had watched it at close range.
This feeling is rare, really rare.
He used to be very excited when he met a superstar opponent.
But there is that person who makes him feel the pressure.
He thought
If he didn’t grow up in an individual, but constrained himself to go to football partners freely in difficult things like him.
Maybe he can also play football on the court like him and release himself to the fullest, and deduce romantic football to the extreme.
But Qin Xiong knew that he was not that person after all.
The growth trajectory affects everything of a person.
It won’t be long before he will challenge the man who is closest to the throne of the contemporary world!

After the living room was quiet, she slowly opened her eyes and picked up the words and dialed Wu Muchen. There was still no answer.

Ruan Xianshu held a posture for a long time. After half a ring, she got up and walked towards the building, pushed open the inner door and looked at her husband’s portrait. She couldn’t help crying.
spa会所The Wu family suffered a sudden change. When the old man, the old woman and the Qingshan Department died in a car accident, she didn’t cry because she knew that she still had a pair of children to support. When the Wu family almost closed down, she didn’t cry and gritted her teeth.
Now she’s crying
Ruan Xianshu felt that she was very sorry for her dead husband. Huo Qianqian was pregnant with the Wu family. After the Wu family had a baby, she had married the Huo family today. She not only had a grandson, but also the Wu family would grow stronger. I didn’t expect that Wu Muchen didn’t explain anything before she got married today. The wedding was cancelled
How can she accept this?
After the Huo family returned home, Yao Lijing asked Huo Shan to take medicine and forced him to bed to let him sleep. Then he entered Huo Qianqian’s room.
Huo Qianqian saw her mother come in, and tears fell like a broken pearl to see Yao Lijing feel distressed.
Qian Qian, now you tell mom what happened today. Yao Lijing sat by the bed and took Huo Qianqian’s hand. Fortunately, she didn’t sign the former shares, otherwise the shares of Huo Shi would fall into Wu Muchen’s hands now.
Mom Huo Qianqian held Yao Lijing and burst into tears. She was talking to Wu Muting in the dressing room today and was accidentally told by Wu Muchen.
Yao Lijing sighed and patted Huo Qianqian on the back. Everything is an act of God.
They have married Huo Qianqian, and they have paid a lot to marry the Wu family. After all, it is a draw water with a bamboo basket.
It seems that Wu Muchen won’t marry Huo Qianqian again, but the 5 shares that Huoshan gave Wu Muchen really fell into his hands. If Huoshan knew about this, Yao Lijing closed her eyes and she couldn’t imagine how he would react.
He was admitted to the hospital with a recurrence of heart disease in the second Hoxhorn crisis. At that time, the doctor said that it would not happen again, otherwise his life would be in danger, but this matter can be hidden.
No, she must talk to Wu Muchen before it is exposed. He won’t marry Qian Qian, but the shares must be returned.
Looking at her arms crying, Huo Qianqian and Yao Lijing put their hands on her shoulders and forced her to look at herself and say, Qianqian, listen to your mother. It is estimated that Wu Muchen will not marry you this time. Mom, please stop making trouble and think about your father.
No, mom, I don’t agree with you. You know, brother Chen, I’ve been waiting for so many years, and it’s hard to wait until this day. I can’t just forget it. I can’t blare. Huo Qianqian finished crying and fell into Yao Lijing’s arms
When it comes to Wu Muchen, Huo Qianqian is just like losing her mind. Yao Lijing has a sudden headache in her forehead. Now this matter has not been solved. If Huo Qianqian makes trouble again, she can’t even think about how things will develop.
Pa Yao Lijing pushed Huo Qianqian away and slapped her face hard. The crisp slap made Huo Qianqian’s face numb and she looked at her mother puzzled.
If it wasn’t for the burning pain in her face, she couldn’t believe that hitting her would have held her in her heart since she was a child.
Don’t call me. Do you still have me as a mother in your eyes? Is there a Huo family? Yao Lijing clenched her hands and resisted trying to touch Huo Qianqian, who had been slapped by herself. She had to break her mind.
Qian Qian, what are you still not awake? A Wu Muchen, do you know what your father has paid? He gave him all the shares of Mr. Huo’s 5, but now Wu Muchen still doesn’t want to marry you. You can’t see the truth clearly. He doesn’t love you at all, don’t you know? Yao Lijing said in one breath that she didn’t want to deceive her any more. She protected and pampered her daughter for more than 20 years and should grow up.
If she goes to Huo’s house again like this, it will destroy her hands.
Huo Qianqian looked at her mother and her brain was buzzing. She must be hallucinating. How could Brother Chen not love her? Mom must have made a mistake.
Qian Qian Yao Lijing looked at her absent daughter and was annoyed. Did she just say something too heavy for her to accept at the moment?
But now she can’t let her continue to be infatuated with Wu Muchen. She must be made to recognize the facts.
HuoQianQian return to absolute being a push away Yao Lijing Yao Lijing temporarily unstable almost fell down and busy holding the dresser.
Mom, I’m going to find Brother Chen. I want to find out why he won’t marry me. I must listen to him personally. Huo Qianqian said that and rushed to the building.
Qian Qian Yao Lijing was busy chasing out but she had disappeared. Soon she heard the sound of a car running over sand.
Yao Lijing sat down to HuoQianQian now to find Wu Muchen not invite humiliation?
Huo Qianqian drove a red BMW straight at her like a rocket. Now there is an idea in her mind, that is, to find Wu Muchen and ask him face to face if he told her that he would never marry her again.
Just because she lied to him that she was pregnant, but she also loved him. If he likes to have a baby and give it to him, don’t say one. She is willing to go if he wants it. She begged him not to want her.
Huo Qianqian drove the car directly to Wu Keke. The front desk said that the president didn’t come to class today.
Huo Qianqian didn’t believe that she forced her way to Wu Muchen’s office, and no one was there.
Wu employees are surprised to see Huo Qianqian. Isn’t it the wedding day of the president and her? Why did she come to the company without the wedding scene?
Jiang Tuo didn’t go to Wu Muchen’s wedding today. He arranged for the company to handle things. When he saw Huo Qianqian coming, he was shocked and asked Mrs. Huo, why are you here?
Emma changed her name from Miss Huo to Mrs. He was really not used to calling Mrs. Liu Zhuanghe before, but she was not as awkward as she is now.
Huo Qianqian saw Jiang Ta grab his arm like a straw and asked, Assistant Jiang, you must know which brother Chen is right.
Jiang Ta was fooled by her question. Isn’t it their wedding today? Why ask him where the president went?
Did the president run away from marriage?
To HuoQianQian tearful eyes Jiang Ta a scalp pins and needles.
Mrs. Fu, I don’t know where the president has gone. He didn’t come to the company today.
Didn’t come to the company HuoQianQian let go of Jiang Ta arm muttered.
Jiang Ta rubbed his arm. This new lady has a strong hand. It hurts to pinch his arm. I wonder if it’s broken.
Huo Qianqian seemed to think of something and grabbed Jiang Ta’s arm again. He couldn’t help but shout out, Madam, I won’t run.
Huo Qianqian didn’t seem to hear what he said. He continued to grab his arm and said, You call Brother Chen now and I’ll call him. If he doesn’t pick up, you can call him now.
Jiang Ta’s scalp became numb after listening to her words. If the president doesn’t answer her words, he definitely doesn’t want to answer him. How to fight?
If that’s the case, he won’t be cleaned up by the president when he calls back.

I don’t know what it’s like to watch billiards fans. The ups and downs of the game have fallen below the glasses. In the end, no one dares to think about who will win or lose.

The 9 th minute of the game was also unwilling to draw. Manchester United made mistakes in the frontcourt!
Heinze was intercepted by Ljungberg because of his hesitation!
Arsenal quickly instigated a fast break.
Qin Xiong immediately ran to the right in the frontcourt and Ljungberg was straight.
Qin Xiong took the ball and burst out all the energy along the sidewalk, trying to push the attack into Manchester United’s restricted area as quickly as possible.
After all, Manchester United leftback Heinze is not in the defensive position now, and there is a lot to be done on the frontcourt side.
Henry Pires also ran fast from the other side.
Manchester United is in a precarious situation.
Just then, veteran Keane’s eyes made a determined effort as if the beast had rushed to the side.
There is a big place in front of Qin Xiong. Qin Xiong directly strode the ball before Keane was two meters away from him, so that the football could keep a distance of about ten meters during the movement, which was convenient for him to get rid of Keane by acceleration.
But just after the football left his feet, Keane insisted on shoveling!
Keane will never touch football!
Qin Xiong’s pupil miniature unprecedented sense of crisis swept through him. It was a biting chill!
Keane shoveled his foot to put it in his’ leg’!
This is to break his leg!
The feeling be nasty Qin Xiong regardless of body balance directly jump up sideways tilt at least not’ legs’ is to support the body based on the ground, otherwise it will be seriously injured if it is shoveled!
The stabbing pain’ shoots’ into the brain nerve. Qin Xiong is still shoveled to the ground by Keane and is out of the sideline with Keane!
Highbury suddenly fell silent, and the distance between the stands near the ball was lost with a look of horror.
Qin Xiong felt despair and fear for the first time in his life.
He is worried that the stabbing pain in his left leg means that he has broken his leg!
He didn’t know what it was like to break his leg. He tried to move his left leg for the first time after rolling from Keane’s body. Thank God!
Although the side of his left leg was bleeding profusely, he felt that the bone was fine when he moved.
He took off and tilted his body actively. When Keane shoveled his foot, the nail scratched the side of his left leg, which was a minor injury.
After making sure that he is all right, Qin Xiong didn’t react lightly when he survived.
He got up directly from the ground and ignored the shocking blood donation wound on his left leg. He rushed to Keane with a step. Before Keane got up, Qin Xiong held Keane’s face on the ground with anger and growled at him, What the fuck do you want? ! Dare to break my’ leg’ and I will kill you!
Although Keane is struggling, Qin Xiong’s palm seems to be heavy, pressing his face hard on the turf and cutting his cheek in friction!
Everyone next to him was shocked. Keane shoveled Qin Xiong out of the sideline, which happened to be where the coaches of the two teams were. There were also many workers on this side.
In the warmup, Fabregas rushed over and hugged Qin Xiong’s body from behind, dragging Keane back to freedom, and immediately jumped up. His face was covered with dirt, grass and tiny scratches, and the bloodshot rolled down his cheek.
Do you want to fight? Come on!
Keane was about to rush to Qin Xiong, but he was also rushed by the sidelines and hugged by the fourth official.
Qin Xiong bulging eyes with open eyes, not to be outdone, shouted at Keane, Dirty scum! I’m not afraid of others being afraid of you! Scum! Come on! Come fair and square!
Qin Xiong earned Fabregas as he spoke. His hands seemed like a wild animal rushing towards Keane. As soon as he took a step, he was held down by Van Persie Ljungberg, Huo Yite and other teammates. Keane was also hugged by Manchester United players. They were both struggling to break away from their teammates less than one meter apart, and they all hated each other with ferocious faces!
[The first volume of sword unsheathed has become a double blow to Feng 341]
Qin Xiong showed a rage that shocked everyone, including his friends who knew him well!
He is sober.
Angry with sobriety.
He is a man who places his fate on football. Except playing football well, he will not be better than 9% fans in the stands, even if some of them are repairmen, decorators or restaurant staff.
Football changed his fate, and he became rich and happy.
Even though he firmly believes that he loves him deeply, Sylvia will not abandon him because he is at the end of the road in the future, but a man realizes that he should shoulder his own destiny and try his best to give his lover the best.
If he has a broken leg and is seriously injured, then he doesn’t know how to face the future life because of his physical condition.
If you don’t have it, you don’t know how to cherish it
But Qin Xiong has it and he is afraid of losing it!
He doesn’t care for what purpose Keane made that kind of malicious and hurtful move, he just can’t accept it, can’t stand it and can’t back off!
I’m afraid of him, of his broken leg, of losing my football, of losing my master of future destiny!
桑拿论坛But he is definitely not afraid of Keane!
And everything may face trying to hurt others maliciously in the future!
There was chaos on the sidelines of Highbury Stadium. Arsenal Manchester United players were facing Keane Qinxiong almost at the same time and were pulled by four or five talents around them to separate them from each other.
All the fans in the stands were shocked at first
There have always been Keane bullies in Arsenal’s confrontation, and Vieira is good enough for Keane to confront each other.

But Chang Sheng knows that his players need to rest. After all, there is still a fierce battle waiting for his team.

So he left his seat and went to the front of the car and patted the driver on the shoulder. Open the door and let me go.
The driver had some accidents, but he listened to him.
The bus, which had been crawling slowly, finally stopped and then the door was opened.
The fans gave a cheer.
The players in the carriage looked at the door strangely and often won’t know what he was going to do.
When the car door opened, Changsheng jumped.
A deafening cheer rang out.
often! ! !” The fans chanted Chang Sheng’s surname to express their love for Chang Sheng.
Changsheng raised his arms to greet the fans.
Cheer louder
Constant victory does not stop such cheers from the fans.
But he didn’t act like him.
Sure enough, after cheering for a while, the fans found the problem and they all quieted down.
At that time, coliseumalfonso perez became much quieter than before. Although it was said that it was not you can hear it when you drop a needle, you can no longer yell face to face.
Carlos Campo looked at this scene and froze.
Eldest brother is really fierce … a person let thousands of people are quiet …
Passareira, who was sit next to him, smiled with a look of I’m not surprise.
Chang Sheng didn’t shout at the top of his lungs. He said to the fans in front of him and around him, Thank you! It’s so late to welcome us here, but it’s too late now. My players are really tired …
Before he finished, the fans knew what he meant. His predecessors let him go, and some people shouted, Let our hero go back to rest! They are so tired!
This sound is constantly ringing around the crowd of fans in the rear.
Then a passage finally appeared in front of the bus.
The fans got out of the way and the bus can be restarted.
When the car saw this scene, the players froze
Is he Moses? Someone asked in surprise.
In Exodus, when Moses, the prophet who led the Jews to flee Egypt, faced the sea barrier, he divided the sea and let the Jews finally escape.
Nowadays, thousands of Hertha fans get out of the way with a winning sentence. It is no wonder that some players will make such a surprised question.
No someone answered him, He is our head coach!
Chapter two hundred and twentytwo New battles
After Hertha won the championship, the media reported it.
After all, this matter is very big, which is the most important topic in a season.
Don’t you think it’s too much to turn a blind eye to what Hertha usually wins a game?
Really when readers are idiots and blind, can you rely on them to understand the world and think?
And not only to report, but also to report positively.
Hertha has made a lot of efforts to win the championship this season, and finally won the first seconddivision championship in the history of their club. With this achievement, we should not criticize them at will.
His team met Hertha’s situation in the season, a hostile environment all the time, and maybe they all made it as perfect as Hertha.
Hertha champion is not blasphemous.
All the media can positively praise and report the Hertha champion.
However, it is not impossible for the media to fight back.
They can report the Hertha League title, but they will not put the biggest hero of the team’s championship in the first place. The core of the team’s attack, luis garcia, is listed as the number one hero, and so is the top scorer Charles Andreas.
There are also players such as balzaretti, Senna, mista, Carlos Campo, and Sai Passareira. Anyway, the media can announce that Hertha can be upgraded and won the championship. They are the biggest contributors.
In the corner of the head coach’s face, I gave an introduction about the size of a tofu block, and they were all very general. I didn’t tell you anything, and I didn’t even have a photo. You know, his players didn’t get the chance to play until the second half of the season. yaya toure has exclusive photos
Anyway, it’s the kind that makes people look at the past and leave no impression on him and won’t take him seriously
There are too many ways for the media to engage a person. One way is to find journalists to write articles about him. They can adjust their media resources to attack this person in a threedimensional way.
Most people surrender before so many means appear.
But winning is different …
If the media can’t scold him to death, they can give him a cold shoulder.
The media think that they can make the winners unhappy by doing so.
Then they really underestimated the success of a person who wore it back in 2012. It was an information explosion era, and people could learn a lot about information media through the Internet. For people of that era, it was no longer a respectable profession, but became synonymous with disturbing people, unlimited and moral integrity
He is not afraid of the media, and he even hates the media.
桑拿会所  title=The media doesn’t report him?
Aha, that’s really welcome!
So he doesn’t care what the media say. It’s like a kick that misses the target, but it’s also pulled by his own joint.
On this day, he will invite Enrique Gonzalez and his companions to dinner at the best restaurant in Hertha, Santa Lucia Restaurant.
Invite people to dinner, never invite guests to be late and be invited to do it.
Although sometimes winning is particularly fucked up, it doesn’t mean that he is impolite.
He just disdains to show his manners sometimes.
So he came early today. He made a reservation first.
But to his surprise, when he first came to Santa Lucia’s restaurant, the person he wanted to invite also arrived.
Even more surprising is that there is a person.
Enrique Gonzalez
They say that you are also a person who has been owed three months’ salary. If it is too expensive to invite all of us here for dinner, let me represent them alone. Enrique Gonzalez smiled brightly when he saw Changsheng.
Changsheng didn’t expect it to be because of this. He was a little moved. Please have a meal and it won’t cost much.
That’s no good. You don’t have a salary and you support two players. You usually spend a lot of money. Enrique Gonzalez insisted.

There are no two towers on the road, and the tree can defend it all the time.

The big tree is now equipped very well. 12 Although the data is not very gorgeous, the hardness is absolutely enough!
U team came early, and Xiaolong was just around the corner. U team didn’t want to give up this opportunity.
Finally, the U team ordered two little dragons, but after two, they shrank back.
Obviously, U team people dare not.
And Naer is in the middle of the road. If Z team doesn’t talk at this time, it is estimated that U team Naer can take the second tower of the middle road away.
But the Z team still didn’t find a chance.
There is a lack of initiative in the Z team formation. There is a big tree that can take the lead, but the big tree has not come at this time of the road belt.
It’s too difficult for Nunu to speak first.
This hero is going to walk to his face and spit snowballs. Although the deceleration effect is good, who will care?
The Z team is watching the second tower in Naer’s belt, which has been taken away soon.
At this time, Lin Tianguo said to Xingyu Lin, Chineydy P!
This wave is already an arrow in the dark and has to be sent! Since you want it, it is better to play the first hand with the Z team!
Lin day after finish this sentence Xingyu Lin immediately send eye a P light up.
Send from the big tree!
Naer also chose P after another A, a middle road and two towers. This wave is finally going to start.
But the tree is faster than the other party, and Xingyu Lin immediately released his R skills.
The magic circle emerged and the big tree tied the front row of the other side directly without thinking.
In the back row, there is an efish man, and his words are very flexible. Xingyu Lin wants to tie up some difficulties. He tied up the other side to fight wild boar.
Z team want to also didn’t want to hug directly.
Lin Tian put a few R skills in the rear and did some damage.
At this time Meng Fan suddenly handed over his big move!
Then I saw that the tree suddenly became very big and directly hit four people!
Meng Fan always keeps a big move for Lin Tian, but this time he didn’t give it to the position of the big tree. It’s so good!
Lin Tian, this R skill is controlled by the enemy four people!
Four people were directly r up.
Meng Fan always has his own ideas at this critical moment. For example, in that game, the clockwork drew almost everyone from the other side.
At this time, it is such a big move that makes the other party pause for a moment!
A moment later Nunu flashed into the arena!
桑拿会所Then Nunu stretched directly to enlarge!
This wave of Z team’s position skills are very beautiful up to now!
It is extremely difficult for the pig sister to retreat even if she wants to have a big back row after such a delay!
The little fisherman dared not enter the arena at the moment.
During this period, Lin Tian manipulated his big mouth and output crazily.
His goal is pig sister, although she is very fleshy, she is a little overwhelmed when she meets a person who specializes in front of the big mouth!
At this moment, it’s like a match between Z team and C team, and it’s Meng Fan who stands up and the sea is born to hinder the other team’s back row!
The Z team lost that time.
This time … It’s Lin Tian who controls his mouth!
Still in the best and strongest state, Lin Tian!
Chapter four hundred and sixtynine Point Wild Monster Back to Blood Solution

In the second half of the third quarter, Artest’s defensive quality against James dropped. In the third quarter, the little emperor scored 1 point in a single quarter, which means that he failed to defend, but when he saw the beast panting, everyone knew that it was not his fault.

Artest’s height of 19m has to support 26 pounds, which is too much for him. He consumes far more energy than James. Looking at Artest’s peak years quickly, his average game time is about 3 minutes. These seasons are all 36 minutes plus today, he has to defend lebron james, which consumes far more energy than other games.
In the last quarter, Deng Liwei asked other players to give Artest more support and send the little emperor to the free throw line if necessary.
Lebron james’s free throw percentage was less than 7% last season, and it was also a last resort to let him walk the free throw line at the crucial moment.
But the foul must be fierce enough not to make him score two plus one!
Ji Guo’s eyes lit up as soon as he heard this, and he said in his heart, I’m good at this!
In the fourth quarter, James finally sat on the scene and rested. The two teams changed their substitutes and competed again.
After the Mobry game, the Cavaliers’ reserve array defense is not as stable as the main force, and the offensive ability is even more barren.
Old Deng Liwei sent Black Parker, Mobry, Garcia, Thomas and Davis, thinking that it was best to send the Cavaliers away by a wave of substitutes, at least to widen the score to 1 point, and to widen the difference between the two teams to 1 point, and James would also be able to save the day.
Thomas is in good shape today. His playing time has dropped to less than 20 minutes this season, but this guy doesn’t care about his contract for three years. No matter how he played a few years ago, he can only sign the contract with the veteran’s basic salary at most. Playing less now will cause less physical loss, which will make his sports career longer, that is, he can retire with a few more years’ basic salary.
Clippers substitutes threw four 3pointers in more than three minutes, one from Mobry, one from Garcia and two from Thomas.
By the time Mike Brown couldn’t help changing the main players, the score had become 47, and the Clippers were 14 points ahead, far exceeding the expectations of Old Deng Liwei.
With 9 minutes and 5 seconds left in the game, the Cavaliers were actually taken away by the Clippers’ substitute wave …
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Chapter sixtythree Class?
James looked bright red and dazzling by 14 minutes after the game, and then look at the two brothers Ji Jia, Artest and Percy, who are already in the basket. These four men are like a steel defense gorilla. Suddenly, an idea that I have tried my best to win over my teammate ba rises, especially when I take a look at Mike Brown off the court. This guy actually said It’s up to you, LeBron before his own game. It sounds like pushing the protagonist to die in the movie.
Artest recovered some physical strength and the defensive end once again caused great oppression to the little emperor.
James held the ball and attacked. His foot stretched out and he shivered.
Artest didn’t even move and said, just come straight. Don’t mess with those.
James was embarrassed, and his waist accelerated to break through his right hand, and Artest ran straight into the Clippers line.
Artest knew that the other side’s breakthrough was a straight line without changing direction, but at this time he just couldn’t keep up with the pace. He was slightly slower and was killed into the line by James’s bulldozerlike breakthrough.
Ji Guo Chou He Ji Guo’s humiliation has shrunk to the threesecond zone. The two would rather give other Cavaliers a chance and join hands to prevent lebron james’s breakthrough
James can fly against two doubleteam defenders, even if he can fly. In this case, he gets the score and enters the threesecond zone to distribute the ball to the weak side Vallejo.
Vallejo throws a midrange basketball hit in the left rib receiver’s defense.
Keep it up, old Deng Liwei shouted on the sidelines. It doesn’t matter if they get into one. He didn’t believe the Cavaliers guys could be so stable all the time
In the fourth quarter, Old Deng Liwei pursued the maximization of offense and put Mobry in the position of point guard. It’s not that Old Cat can’t make a guest appearance at the No.1 position for a while. It’s still no problem. He is an offensive organization. Ji Guoqiu took over more than half of Clippers players to run around him.
Artest’s cut into the basket attracted the Cavaliers’ defensive attention, and the whole defense line contracted to the basket
Ji Guoqiu pretended to cut Artest’s basketball but flew to the bottom corner to ambush Mobry, who quickly hit his fifth threepointer today after receiving the ball.
James hit the floor angrily after the basket fell into the net.
The referee gave him a look and considered a situation without pursuing it.
The game has come to 5 minutes and 35 seconds, and the score is 92: Mobry hit this threepointer and the Clippers still lead by 12 points.
James has been honed for four seasons, especially lost in the finals last season. This season has become more and more mature, but today’s game against the Clippers still made him angry. Seeing how to assist his teammates, the score has been reduced to a very small size. The emperor dribbled to the frontcourt by himself, one step away from the threepoint line, which was beyond our expectation. He threw a superlong threepointer with resentment.
Everyone looked at the basketball until it flew out of bounds …
There was a moment of silence in Staples Arena, and Clippers fans burst into laughter. I believe all fans in the world who watched this scene gave a burst of laughter.
Charles barkley is also ridiculing James’ shot. lbj is the only one who thinks that the ball will go in. What was he thinking?? ?”
Kenny smith also shook his head and said, It’s not without reason that the defense team gives you such a big position because the defense team wants him to throw every ball.
James’s goal declared that the Cavaliers had completely lost their hope of turning over. When the team boss lost his mind and lost his cool, do you expect other players to come out? Especially the other Cavaliers players really hurt. They haven’t been out in the first three quarters, and they won’t at this time.
The difference between the two teams is getting bigger and bigger. Mike Brown quickly changed lebron james and a bunch of main players. This season, the Cavaliers are in a bad state of losing games in a row. Now even the Clippers can’t take it to lose. It’s not terrible, but what worries Cavaliers fans is that they have James performing normally all the time, and nothing else is shown.
The final score was 11:92. From the end of the score, I can’t see how the Cavaliers helped them to be suppressed by the Clippers from the beginning without leading the game.
After the press conference, the twin brothers sat together and took off their jerseys. After there was no number to distinguish them, the reporters couldn’t tell who was the elder brother and who was the younger brother.
Ji Guoqiu scored 14 points, 12 rebounds, 6 assists and 2 blocked shots in 36 minutes. Ji Guoshame and his brother scored 2 points, 1 rebound, 3 assists and 2 blocked shots when they came out. Both brothers got two pairs of data. Clippers fans are the happiest tonight.
After the game, it was not difficult for reporters. The two men had been occupying the microphone for a long time, and complimented James a few words to impress Cleveland media.
The only disharmony is that the reporter of the Los Angeles Times actually wants to provoke the two men away from the reporter and ask Ji Guo shamefully, Who is better when you two brothers are together?
At the same time, when they heard the news, they drew a middle finger in their hearts and made a contemptuous expression on him. They said rudely, My brother is better than me and I am no match for him because he can prevent Bynum from scoring a point. I can’t do that.
An hour later, when Bynum heard the news from the reporter after the Lakers game, he was so angry that he couldn’t punch the fire hydrant next to him!
桑拿网  title=The next day, the official website of the Lakers announced that Bynum would rest for two weeks with a fractured finger …
On the way home from the press conference, the two brothers received a message from Taylor Swift.
Congratulations, I know that 2+1 is a great thing for a rookie, and you also beat the strongest guy in the league. The first sentence of the little singer’s mouth was to congratulate Ji Guoshi on winning the game.
Can you tell me from my brother?
Of course, don’t underestimate me. You are not as strong as your brother.
JiGuoQiu car smell speech chimed in in front, this is not true, I’m no matter how strong I am, I dare not talk to the car.
Ji Guoshi said gnmb! in his mind. Mouth to Taylor Swift and say, Shut up!
Taylor Swift didn’t know what she said wrong when she heard it.
Ji Guo was ashamed to talk to his brother telepathically while talking. He finally made a mistake and immediately felt so angry that he wanted to hit his head on the steering wheel and said, I’m sorry, I’m not saying that you and my brother are making trouble. Don’t get me wrong.
Taylor Swift patted his chest. I you don’t like it when I speak ill of your brother.
No, the more you scold him, the happier I am. How can he compete with me? The best rookie this season must be me.
Then I wish you the best rookie of the season. By the way, my car still can’t be repaired. Would you please pick me up?
Ji Guo was ashamed to hear that he wanted to laugh directly, thanking the American garage for its inefficiency and saying, How about I get to your building at 7: 03 a.m. on time?
Hang up the phone and the police car is coming. Jiguoqiu added again, this time it’s no joke. The police car is really behind.
Ji Guo’s shame hurriedly ended the phone conversation with the little singer and was caught in violation of the law. This Nima will be a community again. If he is fine with the little singer, he will not be interested in playing with the bear child again.
You know, the police should really send a scum like you who ignores other people’s driving safety to prison.
Then I’ll sing’ Tears from behind bars’ in your head in the middle of the night.
The two brothers are still bickering. On the other side, Taylor Swift hangs up. Her heart is still beating and her face is a little red. She touched her nose because she just lied. Her car has actually been repaired. Let’s see if her nose has become longer after lying.

Costa Carvalho, seeing that costinha failed to intercept, must come out together to stop Ibrahimovic!

Ibrahimovic’s advance will be shortened when they rush forward on both sides.
Fans on both sides of the stands are in a state of tension, and it has been three seconds since the big screen injury stoppage time.
Mourinho’s eyes on the sidelines are more dignified than ever, and his head is booming.
Ajax this wave of offensive broke out for a long time!
What substitute players warm up is a fucking lie!
约茶Although Coleman’s expression was as usual, he didn’t even notice the probe to watch the team’s attack. Instead of tilting his head to watch, he twisted his neck and the range was exaggerated.
Ibrahimovic’s heart is heavier than ever.
He takes the ball in small steps so that he can find the right time to kick and make full efforts without adjustment.
But Costa Carvalho rushed so fast that he missed the best shooting opportunity before he stepped into the confident range.
And as the two men get closer, his shooting angle becomes less and less.
What should we do now?
Take a chance?
Or do you want to change direction and look for a new shooting angle?
Mendes is behind him, and the right side is already preventing him from turning to the right and shooting with his right foot!
After stepping into the restricted area for two steps, Ibrahimovic gritted his teeth and made a choice!
He won’t decide to shoot.
It’s not impossible, but it’s a great chance that Carvalho Costa will wave this opportunity, so he can hardly see how many angles the goal has to choose from.
In another game, he played a game in the past, and zlatan would choose to shoot himself. Even if he missed the opportunity, he would hold his head high and ignore the reaction of others or teammates. This is his center strength!
But he can’t do it at this moment today!
This is an opportunity for the team to come here after so many arduous games and make unimaginable efforts!
How can he ignore this when you chase after me in training and unite in the game?
He tried his best to turn around, and the situation was swept away behind his eyes. The football was swept back behind him, and then he lost his balance and fell down.
When he lost his center of gravity and fell, he looked vaguely at the figure in the crowd behind him and screamed at Qin Xiong! ! !
That China man is no longer smelly and small at first sight, although Ibrahimovic will still be so disdainful to call him. Deep down, he has long recognized that this smelly and small strength is superior to arrogance. If zlatan gives Qin Xiong an evaluation, he will say that he is as strong as me!
Carvalho Costa was stunned to see Ibrahimovic unexpectedly return the ball!
And it is a very embarrassing price to lose your body center of gravity and fall to the ground!
At the same time as Ibrahimovic’s figure fell, they saw a figure outside the restricted area with a majestic momentum!
That man is like a tiger, like stepping on the wind.
Behind him, Deco tried to chase after him but was pulled three meters away.
Leila gave up Stoudemire and went straight for the football. valente also gave up Van der Vaart Costa Carvalho’s tacit understanding and continued to push forward. They not only blocked the man’s possible shot, but also cut off his chance to send a straight ball, putting Stoudemire in an offside trap!
Costinha Mendes decisively moved one step laterally and put the shovel at the same time!
Try to stop that man from shooting!
Of course he is Qin Xiong.
From the moment the fast break was launched, Qin Xiong rushed forward from the middle and back court.
His speed has soared to the limit. In all directions, Porto players are trying to freeze the threat he can pose
In his eyes, there is a line football that Ibrahimovic swept to his own position!
If you face several choices in life, there are only a handful of good opportunities.
Once upon a time, all Qin Xiong didn’t have many choices, but he was ambitious at last. Now he has many choices, but that’s why.
When the opportunity comes, we should cherish it rather than treat it as cheap!
In the face of this Ajax game, it is probably the last chance. Qin Xiong’s choice is very simple and straightforward, which can be called rude and barbaric!
Direct explosion!
Wild and firm eyes, popular gas field, strong and courageous, Qin Xiong stretched his feet straight, kicked the football in the middle and shot out headon!

Arsenal’s counterattack once overthrew the Red Devils dynasty and turned Wenger into a dominant player at Highbury.

Now that Arsenal have formulated a strategy of attacking customers and countering customers, Wenger has taken this as a small step backwards.
This war against overlimitation is very unreasonable.
Let the public have a great sense of loss in the expectation of strong dialogue.
Together, the two teams are worth more than 500 million pounds, and then they did not pursue the more beautiful side of football and presented a classic offensive feast to the outside world, which is unreasonable in the eyes of outsiders.
桑拿论坛In Arsenal, it is difficult for both teams to shoot highquality shots in attack. The typical phenomenon is that both teams do not shoot in the restricted area and face many obstacles, which fully reflects the characteristics of the game at both ends of attack and defense.
Chelsea’s men walked towards the players’ tunnel with their faces full of color.
Before the game, they were ambitious to beat Arsenal, but in the game, they had all their strength but couldn’t make it!
Although this is not Arsenal in the community shield competition, if Arsenal are to challenge Chelsea according to the community shield tactics, Chelsea people will believe that they have an absolute chance to destroy the arsenal!
Arsenal players are calm.
It can be said that it is because of Vieira’s departure that they can take a high attitude in the strong dialogue, accept the reality and try their best to win the maximum benefit.
Wenger had nothing to adjust at halftime, except some small details, such as paying more attention to the Chelsea winger’s personal breakthrough and so on
At halftime, the atmosphere of the game has not changed. The two teams are playing an innocuous attack and making a slack defense.
This is almost the second round of the league match between the two teams in the season! Can Mourinho’s team accept being taken away by Arsenal at home? But Chelsea seems to lack courage. They have willpower. They are an ironblooded division. But when Chelsea opponents firmly defend against them, they show a lack of adventurous spirit. Chelsea is so stable that there is no chance to fight back, which makes people feel that they are at a loss. Doesn’t Mourinho’s team practice positional warfare attacks? They have so many excellent players, but they have been on the road of defensive counterattack. Arsenal will be very happy if they can take a draw away from home.
Arsenal are more creative than Chelsea, but they play less and play more, and they don’t invest four players in the attack before. It is also very difficult to shake Chelsea and compress the defense, and then there are fewer than seven defensive lines.
In the 61st minute of the game, Ronaldo cut into the line from the right. In the fastpaced ball, he stopped and turned sideways to get rid of Silva’s defense, but Fabregas broke the ball successfully in the next step!
Fabregas felt a little more relaxed in this game than playing Newcastle United, so he didn’t need to run back and forth to expose his defense after he was born. When Chelsea didn’t invest heavily in attacking players, he felt less pressure to keep calm in defense, and he could do his own defense without dropping the chain.
Ronai gestured to his teammates to attack. Not only could he not find a meeting point, but he also had no teammates to help him cover, which made him break through the line at a glance and was easier to be predicted and intercepted by his opponents.
Fabregas decisively attacked the frontcourt after breaking the ball.
Qin Xiong strode forward. He ran to the left of midfield. Essien immediately scored with Fabregas. It was Qin Xiong who found a halfhigh ball and sent it quickly.
Qin Xiong ran to the outside and Essien followed him on the right side of his body when the football flew in.
In the flash of flint, Qin Xiong lifted his right foot along the direction of the football flying, and lightly controlled the strength of the ball to the extreme and unloaded the football perfectly!
This is already at the peak of Bergkamp’s peak, and it is no different to unload the ball.
And such a perfect stop made Essien stunned. Qin Xiong’s connection to a sports meeting was very smooth. Essien was broken by Qin Xiong because he planned to intercept it when Qin Xiong stopped the ball.
Because he unloaded the ball freely and broke out directly when the football landed at his feet, the football was just intercepted by Qin Xiong and Essien’s foot landed!
After Qin Xiong passed Essien, he took a step to the dribble and blocked Essien behind him. Lampard rushed from the side to intercept him. After observing the situation, Qin Xiong decisively sent a straight plug.
The outer instep of the right foot rubs the outer arc. Terry retreats deeper. This ball flies obliquely to the restricted area from two meters in front of Terry. The trajectory of the football semihigh ball shows that the ball is likely to bypass Carvalho, and then an Arsenal striker is coming at full speed in Carvalho Gallas!
The hearts of Blues fans are about to jump out.
However, before the football bypassed Carvalho, someone stabbed the ball in the direction of Chelsea’s baseline.
There was an uproar
Makelele tackles the ball, but he tackles it to his own goal!
Cech fell to the ground in a hurry, and his left foot blocked the ball. The ball deflected and refracted from the goal post and rolled off the baseline!
All Chelsea fans are relieved. This goal is so thrilling!
Unless Makelele clears, Henry will probably play another tacit cooperation with Qin Xiong.
Makelele’s desperate rescue almost made an oolong, which really surprised all Chelsea people in a cold sweat.
Qin Xiong scratched his hair and his eyes swept across the Chelsea formation. It was a fact that even if he grabbed the counterattack and played fast break, it would be difficult to destroy the Chelsea defense!
Chelsea’s defense is very tight, and the complementary defense has long been selfcontained
This game is too difficult to continue.
[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. You can’t see it! ]
On the counterattack effect alone, Arsenal must play better than Chelsea. There are two factors that determine the overall situation of the game. Arsenal is psychologically prepared to play defense, but Chelsea has no Chelsea. Arsenal is still the team that lives in a dream. They can defend against the gunners at Stamford Bridge. Another factor is that Arsenal’s creative players play better in the counterattack, while Chelsea does not play well in the counterattack.
It’s easy to understand that even if the two teams fight back, they still face their opponents’ tight defense.
But Arsenal played a lot of secret defense games last season, even if they didn’t have a good chance to counterattack, they just played as a fast break, while Chelsea was built on a broad attack, and their play declined when the environment didn’t adapt.
Qin Xiong realized the difficulty of Arsenal’s wasteland, and Mourinho also realized that Chelsea didn’t adapt to the game.
In that dangerous situation just now, if Chelsea slightly increased its offensive input, it might give Arsenal a better fast break opportunity, so if it is not guaranteed, the goal will be declared lost
This is the reason why he is too slow to order the team to strengthen the offensive key.
Chelsea threatened by other means. In the 65th to 7th minute of the game, Drogba took the ball from the flank three times in a row. Drogba grabbed a header and missed the goal. Toure and Campbell headed the ball twice.
Chelsea lacks effective means of positional warfare, facing Arsenal’s tight defense, and their longrange shots in the periphery are very few, and Arsenal can at least threaten Chelsea’s goal with longrange shots in front of the restricted area.
It doesn’t make much sense for Qin Xiong to slow down and play fast. The defense line of the other side tends to be static and fast, but it is easy to make his rhythm chaotic.
His eyes are calm and his mind is running fast.
Break Chelsea’s secret defense, break through the setpiece and shoot long.
I’m sure that 99% can’t play a threat, and Chelsea’s defense cutting is still very successful. I have to admit that Mourinho is a master defender.
What about personal breakthroughs?
The effect is not good either. Being able to break through Essien once does not mean that you can succeed every time. It needs a specific environment and breaking through the midfield line does not mean that you can destroy the back line. Chelsea’s back line adjustment is also orderly.
Set pieces?
There are almost no setpieces for Arsenal. The small number of attacking players puts little pressure on Chelsea. They will be able to put an end to Arsenal’s attack if they want to squeeze through the encirclement. Do you want to risk giving Arsenal a goal in the frontcourt?
So there’s a long shot left
In fact, Arsenal’s generals also know this. At halftime, they still have the opportunity to take a long shot, but the quality is not high. If they can hit the goal range, the long shot will be easily resolved by Cech.
Qin Xiong reasoned or made a fuss about longrange kung fu.
Longrange shooting requires hitting the goal without being blocked by the opponent’s players before hitting the goal. On this basis, the opponent’s goalkeeper can’t pounce!
In the 76th minute of the game, Pires caught Fabregas’ ball on the left side of the midfield and dribbled him to the middle, so it was necessary to liberate Qin Xiong as a cover to contain him.
His dribbling will attract Lampard’s attention. Anyway, the Chelsea midfielder can’t let Pires with the ball go.
Lampard had just arrived near Pires, who gave the ball to Qin Xiong, and then he quickly inserted and moved to distract Essien’s defensive attention.
Qin Xiong observed Lampard’s distance from himself for a while, Lampard was able to defend himself, while Essien was pinned down by Pires, and he could dribble forward at a short speed.
When dribbling forward, his observation point is not limited to Chelsea defender line, but directly to Cech position
Qin Xiong’s eyes suddenly became sharp during the movement of Arsenal and Chelsea offensive and defensive players


The last scene is a white heart to save himself from loving a man, and he took a shot in front of him.
At that moment, a man crying deeply grieved is more touching than a woman.
Men’s tears are not without a woman who is worth paying for.
And Bai Xin, a fresh life, got his new life and his eternal heart.
Although they have long been soul mates.
The girl is still a white dress, and her feet are as clean as blue canvas shoes.
Deep red blood keeps coming out of her lips, and her back has already been dyed red with blood.
She has a smile on her lips and a smile on her eyes. I’m sorry I didn’t accompany you to your old age.
She watched him slowly lose his vitality, but her lips smiled as before
A deep-rooted lingering love affair with doomed love ended like this.
Since then, the fresh girl in white has fallen from fairy to edge hell and started a cycle of knowing everything.
Chuyan didn’t return to absolute being for a long time until after the end.
Sitting alone on a small bench digesting this unforgettable love.
Liang Youcheng sat next to her smoking a cigarette. She looked up at him and was slightly surprised. Teacher Liang smokes.
Why Liang Youcheng raised his eyebrows and looked at her can’t smoke
This is not.
She shook her head. I didn’t expect it. Liang Youcheng was impressed that she was a good capitalized man except some big boys, although he often ran on her as soon as he got involved.
But she is white, so is he. She is good.
Ouch! He sighed, took a deep breath of smoke, and then slowly spit it out. The smoke enveloped him and he couldn’t see his face clearly.
Finally, he got up and pressed the cigarette butt, saying, It’s finally finished. Looking back at her, You should go. Then he went to the theater.
Chuyan one leng and then nodded.
She’s finished filming. It’s time to go
Song Qijia finished filming and left in time for the announcement.
Liang Youcheng is the only one left at the scene.
There is nothing more to do with her.
A little loneliness suddenly rose in her heart.
How sad it is that everything must come to an end.
It can be said that they should also learn to face it.
Chuyan got up and went back to the room.
Xiao has already packed her things, and she didn’t answer when she came back. I’ve already bought a ticket back to A city, and it’s not early when I see her later. See if there’s anything to prepare for packing. We should go.
ChuYan paused for a moment and gave a favor.
She didn’t have anything, and Xiao packed it.
When I left, I took a look at this place where I stayed for almost two months.
In just two months, it seems that things have changed.
! ! ! ! ! w! w! w! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
She learned a lot and saw a lot.
Some good things have happened here.
桑拿I’m leaving after all, and there’s nothing worth staying for.
The plane didn’t start until nine o’clock late.
When the plane slept in a daze, it was early the next day when it arrived in A city.
A plane with a cold north wind blew ChuYan and wanted to fly out.
She remembered that the north wind had also entered winter.
They hurried out and saw Zhang Na as soon as they got out.
Two people waved to her and went over to Zhang Na and threw them two coats directly.
Chu Yan smiled. Sister Na really knows that we are going to be frozen into meat dumplings.
Zhang Na gave her a little loquacious look.
And he said to ChuYan, A city is not peaceful these two days.
ChuYan oh a neither show too much enthusiasm nor show too cold expression.
Zhang Na thought for a moment and said, The Mohs regiment has suffered a big crisis. You Chus are fine this time, and I don’t know whose idea it was to break up with Mohs. This time, it didn’t get caught.
This listen to ChuYan recognized some doorways.
The fear that Tsechu’s family wanted to find her was that Mo Chengkun suddenly broke up with them and made them panic, so she asked about the situation.
But this time Mo’s family suddenly had a crisis.
She frowned, thinking of what Blue also suffered
Zhang Na nodded. It’s not a fierce competition. WenGuHe Zhao’s benefit this time.
When you listen to these two families, Chuyan’s eyebrow eye is a jump.
Even without exact information and personal experience, Chu Yan can probably understand some things.
She doesn’t know what to say. What does it matter?
She is just a woman who has no hope for anything, especially the Chu family.
Forget it. Let them go.

Have you seen it clearly? Wang Yu turned to ask Tianhua in a sea of excitement.

If Tianhua wasn’t wearing black frog glasses, Wang Yu would have seen Tianhua’s eyes stunned at this time.
If it’s you, do you have the confidence to rush into each other’s fourperson group with assistance, kill each other’s assistance and ad, and then come alive in various hunting skills and leave safely? Wang Yu asked seriously.
Tianhua pondered for a moment and then smiled wryly, If it were me, the most I could do was kill the auxiliary hammer stone opposite and then Liying came back and flashed away.
Do you still think that this level of competition in the 100city league is not worth watching? Wang Yu asked again.
Our shook his head apologetic way I’m sorry yu elder brother I was wrong! I don’t know when I became arrogant, but how old the people really are. The forest team looks very young. If he joins the professional team, he will definitely achieve more than what I have achieved now.
I’m still too narrowminded. It’s really glad you came to accompany Yu Ge out this time. Well, I’ve learned a lot. Xie Yuge I’ll slowly correct it.
Wang Yu was very pleased to see Tianhua so humble. Even if he didn’t find the mysterious master to make Tianhua change, it was a windfall.
Brother Yu, if I mean if we can’t find the mysterious master from Sister Yue, it’s also a good choice to develop a single player in this forest team, Tianhua said.
Maybe we’ll talk about it then. Wang Yu squinted at Taiwan Jiyan and nodded and said.
The game is still going on.
As the robbery escaped Lux’s big move, Lulu and the blind monk turned back to the fire, and the Japanese girl quickly dropped the seconds. Xiao Fei saw the resurrection. Lux finally arrived and tried to plug in the red zone of the forest team in Xiaolong Canyon to stop the escape robbery, but Li Jiamei stopped it.
Lax’s resurrection of Rambo should be not far away, and the male gun should also be on its way here, so the loss will be even greater, said Li Jiamei.
Xiao Fei thought for a moment and finally gave up the pursuit. He was unwilling to meet Lulu, Lux.
At the same time, the forest team Rambo has come to the red zone, while the men’s guns have just gone high, and there are bursts of shouts in their ears, Come on, forest team!
Come on, forest team!
This wave of small dragon group war robbery, Japanese female and dragon turtle succeeded in grabbing the dragon hand in hand and killed the other side. ad Vayne and auxiliary hammer stone, although the last Japanese female army was out of touch and trapped in the small dragon canyon, were killed, but they changed two and took a small dragon. No matter how you calculate it, you will not lose money.
The choice of being robbed of Xiaolong should have hit the morale of the other side. After all, Xiaolong was robbed at the bottom of his eyes, and an assistant was changed. The most important thing is to let him escape.
Hou Peng and Yue Tian Online were suppressed by the Firefox team, and then they were killed by a single sheet. In fact, their mentality has collapsed. Because of their mistakes, the team lost Xiaolong, only to be robbed to save it.
At this time, I was encouraged to hear the audience shouting that the spirit of the two was shocked.
In a short while, they may give you some breathing space specially for me. Remember to grasp this and develop quickly. Rui Chen seemed to have a presentiment that after this wave of team battles, Lulu, Hammer Stone and Blind will definitely be frequented by the other side in the middle, and it is very likely that they will come to gak him in the middle.
Yue Tian apologetically said, Then be careful in the middle.
Well, it’s just some minor disadvantages. We’ll try our best to make up for it. Don’t be too radical in the middle. Hou Peng nodded
Big Brother, do you want me to stay in the middle for a long time? Xiao Mo asked
No, I can handle it alone. The advantage of helping many roads and roads is not a good thing for me alone. It is necessary to let the players get up. I am alone in the middle of the road. They want to kill me and need three people less. Rui Chen was confident.
Seeing that Rui Chen said this, Xiao Mo gave a thumbsup and praised, It’s worthy of being Wei’s brother and big brother. You are as strong as ever!
After the end of the battle for Xiaolong, both sides returned to the line, and the skills of summoners of the two teams were exchanged. It should be difficult to fight again without wild intervention. Whether it is the forest team or the Firefox team is now cautious.
At the same time, in their respective loops to fill soldiers or brush wild files in the wild areas, Xiao Fei bitterly said, We must grasp the robbery to death and not let him develop again. He should have a chance just after he crossed the middle road.
桑拿会所It’s better not to continue to maintain the advantages of each line like this. The middle road is so inferior that it is difficult to kill and rob even if it is blind. It is better to keep each line crushing the opposite side and squeezing them to rob a person. It is not terrible that the other two lines of the forest team will help us to develop the gak middle road when we seize the opportunity. Li Jiamei expressed his objection
Be sure to target robbery! Fuck Vayne Firefox team ad said, The rest of their team are forced to suppress the robbery, so we can win the others.
Yes, you just commanded the group battle, but what was the result? Hammer stone was dissatisfied with the fact that almost all the former Xiaolong group battles were commanded by Li Jiamei, but the results were not satisfactory.
Others in the Firefox team admit that Li Jiamei has strong personal ability, but they all have doubts when the team is in command.
Then Xiao Fei agreed that Danlaxi wanted someone to help him relieve the pressure, and agreed.
Li Jiamei sighed in his heart that once he didn’t fight against a team, it would be difficult to integrate into the team for a short time, let alone command them.
See Jiamei Li silent Firefox team others finally developed a new tactic.
That is limited to the robbery in the middle of the road!
P One shift today.
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Chapter 6 Three Flowers Instantaneous Explosion (1)
Chapter 61 Three Flowers, Instant Explosion 2
At the scene, more than 1,000 people all looked at the hammer stone with bated breath. Hu Fei and Ji Yan on the commentary desk also stared at the screen. This is a key wave, a classic tactic of squatting in the grass to block the back road.
Hammer Stone is controlled by a series of moves, and the blind monk will take super high damage in the middle and middle period, robbing almost born to die. What’s more, there is a man in the rear who outflanks Lax and grabs one of the control skills. If three people are besieged, they will die!
In addition to Li Jiamei, the Firefox team, Lu Weien also secretly looked over here, and at the same time secretly said, If you don’t die this time, you will always eat Xiang live!
In addition to visiting thousands of people at the scene, the live broadcast platform of League of Legends in Lecheng is also playing the final at the same time, which is called the moment of great attention, but many people are caught up in this adventure.
Rob just walked past the corner of the blue buff outer wall of the purple square Firefox team and suddenly stopped.
At the same moment, a hook appeared in front of the robbery, just in front of the robbery, but it was almost missed.
Ambush in the grass early and hammer the stone. This longplanned hook was robbed and escaped!
Is it good luck by mistake? Or did you foresee the crisis ahead?
When I saw that the hammer stone hook didn’t hook the robbery, an exclamation broke out at the Pearl Square scene immediately. Is it a coincidence that the robbery stopped? He passed by death in name.
Wow, this is luck? Still amazing consciousness? Hu Fei incredible surprise one.
Ji Yan smiled. She knew that there might be luck in it, but it was more because the master was sensitive to danger. The common saying is consciousness
The real master will not only control the battle line, but also remember the basic things such as the summoner’s skill D when the big and small dragons refresh, and also calculate how long it takes for the other party to return to the line after returning to the city to predict the ambush time in each grass.
In Summoner’s Canyon, you never know how many Galens are squatting in a certain grass, and even a small grass may become an enemy ambush death trap in advance.
Being able to predict ambush in advance is the basic quality of a master.
It is obvious that Chen Ruishen has this superior quality.
Blindness has never appeared. After returning to the city, there is no time to appear online. These Chen Rui can see clearly through the small map. What’s worse, the middle road is still full of blue or blood. It’s a good time to return to the city. Isn’t this when the waves develop themselves?

Gao Chengfeng took the lead in discovering Zhang Hao’s abnormal inquiry.

150 thousand is gone.
Why didn’t you lose it?
Gao Chengfeng didn’t understand what Zhang Hao was trying to express at all. After all, this sentence is rather bizarre, and the whole person seems to be wrong after the connection.
It’s just gone. When my 150,000 debt was paid, the group said that it would not be paid back, and I would go to Black Jue to endorse it once.
Well, your sister, this is a good thing.
It’s a good thing that Gao Chengfeng just missed a punch to Zhang Hao, so it’s a sad thing for this ya to play.
Ha, ha, ha, feng, you said that our luck is really unstoppable.
Zhang Hao’s heart is very ups and downs at the moment, and Zhang Hao has finally returned to normal, but his feelings for the group are heating up. At the beginning, 150,000 yuan was a solution to Zhang Hao’s urgent need, but at the moment, when Zhang Hao was most proud and at its peak, the group went to him with 150,000 debts.
This feeling is deeply remembered by Zhang Hao.
Come on, since your family wants to speak for you, hurry up and don’t live up to the kindness of the group.
That’s for sure. Don’t worry.
We’re all on the right track. When I want to go home for a while at the end of the spring competition.
Yes, I should.
Zhang Hao is in favor of Gao Chengfeng’s proposal to come to the sea for so long. Gao Chengfeng has never been home, and there are few contacts at home. This is for sure. After all, Gao Chengfeng broke up with his family when he went out.
If you don’t make a name for yourself when you go back this time, you won’t be able to do it without dazzling achievements.
In fact, my dad just doesn’t want me to go on walking when I was young, and he was frivolous that year.
But I think people who don’t play with everything should always pursue something and should not be disturbed by reality.
You mean I should pursue competition?
Gao Chengfeng looked at Zhang Hao with an inexplicable passion.
I don’t know what you think, but I always think that people should pursue something, and it is meaningful to live step by step or lack energy.
Well, you said that life is full of unknowns and life should be pursued.
约茶The discussion between Gao Chengfeng and Zhang Hao seems to enlighten a new life, which can be said to have benefited a lot.
Come on, everyone, we should still consider taking over the league.
Chen Yi listened for a long time and finally spoke at the moment.
Chapter 54 Speed problem
Let’s talk about the recent situation first. Our team didn’t participate in Zhang Haogang’s departure for two weeks in a row, and Zhang Hao didn’t participate in two games before he came back. We will have several overtime matches next.
Zhang Hao listened to Chen Yi’s analysis and nodded his head. It was really because of the need to adapt to the environment in Paris first. After all, most of the teams in the Premier League were better allocated, but it was definitely difficult to adjust for the First League.
Finally, we have to make a decision to suspend sk for two weeks, and finally finish the extra game.
However, this is not a bad thing for sk, but a good thing. Because of this, sk can better train and avoid many risks. Plus the return of Zhang Hao, sk’s strength has developed by leaps and bounds.
Taken together, these are all beneficial and harmful.
So what’s the situation now?
Zhang Hao compared his opponent’s situation after two rounds of fighting.
Generally speaking, it is a melee.
Chen Yi simply summarized the situation.
Zhang Hao didn’t understand
The strength of the unpopular team has increased significantly after the second half of the upset league, which is a noteworthy situation.
Chen Yi spoke about the situation, but Zhang Hao noted that there was only one team, and that was the most mysterious blue sea and blue sky.
The blue sea and blue sky that team is like
Hey, why don’t you all talk?
Zhang Hao didn’t understand that when he asked about the blue sea and blue sky, these people actually stopped talking.
Well, hehe, maybe it’s better luck. Five wins.
Zhang Hao one leng but looking at Gao Chengfeng expression doesn’t seem to be cheating.
True Five Victory
Five wins, that’s 15 points
I got the score before adding them, and now the total score is 23, which is already ranked fourth.
Well, then the first one is S them.
But now the overall situation is like this. Look at it.
Said Chen Yi brought a situation table. Zhang Hao took the call and had to say that Chen Yi’s table system was good and easy to understand at a glance.
S, S, S, S, 32.
Royal sa a3 fen
Gv athletic 26 points
Blue sea and blue sky 23 points
N21 points
When sk15 points and five innings were not played, they were against Royal A, N Team, I, Killing Army and gv Athletic.
I1 points
Killing the army 4 points
Well, this killing army seems to be very miserable.

From the position where Yang Long stands, looking towards the northwest, you can clearly see a group of buildings on the top of Blackstone Mountain, which is still erupting halfway up the mountain.

What attracted Yang Long’s attention was that it rose from the Blackstone Tower and flew towards that building, and more than a dozen creatures flew away.
That kind of flying creature Yang Long squinted for a few seconds and then associated it with a powerful biological population from the appearance of more than a dozen creatures. Is it actually a dragon?
For the world of Azeroth, dragons are not rare creatures. On the contrary, they have been shown to some extent in many histories.
Even some very powerful professionals have become dragons. J: ng has joined forces to defeat the common enemy, fight together and risk one’s life in the battlefield.
In a sense, the allied forces of the human kingdom defeated the Orc Legion and won the second Orc War. The participation of the Dragon in some areas is also inseparable because
According to this world myth, before the creation titans left the world of Azeroth, five powerful titans gave some of their abilities to the five dragons, making them guardians of Azeroth.
And these five dragons are called Five Se Dragons by the world because of their different abilities. They have been guarding the world of Azeroth for hundreds of thousands of years.
However, I don’t know when the other four SE armies United and the Black Dragon Corps won a long and fierce war and paid a great price.
No one knows the details of this dragon war, but the end result is that the Black Dragon Corps disappeared and the other four Se dragons also disappeared.
From then on, unless the world of Azeroth is endangered, the Dragon Corps will never appear in people’s sight as if it were absent.
Because the distance is too far, Yang Long can distinguish these dragons flying to the hillside of Blackstone Tower. Every dragon is covered with red Se scales from beginning to end.
Obviously, in Yang Long’s eyes, the Dragon Department is all members of the Red Dragon Corps.
Before the emergence of the black Se baby dragon in the barren land, Yang Long was very surprised. Now the emergence of the Red Dragon Corps has made Yang Long feel incredible.
Except for the second orc war, the world of Azeroth has not seen the figure of the Five Se Dragon Corps so frequently for a long time.
The Red Dragon Legion has also appeared. Has anything important happened in the past ten years? Yang Long muttered to himself, although the distance is far apart, Yang Long can still distinguish those flying dragons, but they are only 100 meters in size.
For the dragon whose life is almost limited, the size of several hundred meters is just a dragon that has just left the juvenile dragon state and grown into the juvenile dragon stage.
According to human standards, these dragons are just a group of teenagers, and there is still a long time before they reach adulthood. Although these young dragons can reach the advanced and top level of professionals because of their dragon bodies, their actual combat effectiveness is far less than the latter.
From a distance, it seems that the flying red dragon is very close to the hillside complex of Heishita. In fact, the distance between them is almost four or five kilometers.
While Yang Long was secretly thinking, more than ten red dragons finally approached their destination, and then they opened their mouths to spit out crimson Se dragon breath and burned the hillside buildings of Blackstone Tower one by one.
In less than half a minute, I watched the sevenbody red dragon twice as black as the Se baby dragon in Yang Long, and suddenly flew out of the building group, and the red dragons fought into a ball.
Dragon fights? Yang Long looked at two kinds of Yan Se baby dragons entwining and biting together, spilling out large tracts of blood flowers and feeling some words at the moment.
Compared with not long ago, the handtohand combat of young dragons is somewhat boring from the perspective of Yang Long. Although the young dragons have a body length of less than 100 meters, they are almost the same as a group of wild dogs that bite each other from a distance
Just when Yang Long felt a little interesting and prepared to ignore these dragons fighting, he struggled with the black Se baby dragon, and two of his heads suddenly and violently exploded to instantly lose his life and the dragon fell to the bottom of the mountain.
nefarian! Get out! Loud roar sounded like thunder, and Yang Long could hear it clearly even if it was nearly 20 kilometers apart.
Then, in the sky where Yang Long could not see clearly, an adult red dragon suddenly appeared, and the body of the red dragon kept expanding until it was nearly two kilometers long.
Obviously, the front roar is made by this sound, and Yang Long can understand its meaning because this red dragon messenger is actually an orc language.
The appearance of this adult red Se dragon made several besieged black Se cubs nervous and screamed.
One of the black Se baby dragons seems to be frightened after the appearance of the red Se dragon, perhaps because of serious injuries, and generally flies slowly towards the Blackstone Tower complex but is hit by a black Se flash.
Black se baby dragon trembled all over and then screamed. A body cracked in a muffled sound. Instead of flying into the building complex, it fell towards the foot of the mountain.
Walla Studds! Are you here to die? !” The same earthshattering roar came out from the top of Blackstone Tower and also entered Yang Long’s ear.
Then in the south of the huge red dragon, a black Se adult dragon is also expanding, and finally it rises to the red dragon, regardless of its size, eyeing up and staring at the enemy.
nefarian, you have interfered too much with the mortal world. This is the Red Dragon Army Farren. Let me judge you now! The red Se adult dragon roars upwards, slaps its wings, and air billow comes at the oblique black Se dragon.
Hum! Looking for death! Black se dragon nu hum a same flapping wings to meet the red se dragon swooped down.
The earthshattering roar was accompanied by the spread in all directions. air billow let the young dragons around the two adult dragons be rapidly sprayed by the waves. She air billow flew around with dizziness and brain swelling.
Even nearly 20 kilometers away in Yang Long, a mountain peak, she came to air billow and was almost blown away from the top of the mountain. She struggled to crawl to the ground and grasped the rock.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
After the collision, the two adult dragons fought handtohand in the same way as the young dragons, but because of their huge bodies, the two dragons tumbled and were crushed, and suddenly Yang Long felt deeply shocked.
Although the dragon’s fighting mode is single, Yang Long’s sight can see that in the dragon’s struggle, a lot of visible energy ripples are splashed out, and things touched by these energy ripples will soon become powder even hard rocks.
It is because of this that many times air billow swept away the young dragon, but after flying back for a while, he dared not enter the dragon fighting area and did not catch the pair again, but divided into two groups and waited for the result of the battle between the two leaders.
Looking at the huge figure rolling not far away, Yang Long suddenly felt very small because he was about to refine his body and gain the joy of dark strength, which was also diluted a lot.
Even if this level of strength does not reach the superclass level, it is not far apart! Although the real strength of the two dragons was perceived by the method of distance limitation, Yang Long was able to guess a general range.
The two adult dragons fighting together made Yang Long stand aside, and at the same time, the regained high morale in his heart gradually fermented, which made Yang Long feel excited all over.
It’s very rare to see groups of dragons fighting, but it’s even more rare to see two adult dragons live to the death.
There is no chance. Yang Long stared at the two giants and felt their will to fight. At the same time, he analyzed the dragon fighting mode and rehearsed the countermeasures for the dragon fighting in his mind
It was not until a few hours later that the two dragons fought, and the black Se dragon had a slight advantage in winning and losing, and Yang Longcai woke up from the absence of watching the battle.
This is the dragon fight. This is the strong fight! Yang Long turned his attention to the desire to fight in the heart of the black Se young dragon who was hunting for the enemy, and Yu looked more and more intense.
Took a deep breath to suppress the heart churning after Yang Long put away his hand water bag and climbed the rock along the mountain peak while secretly making up his mind in his heart Black Se Dragon nefarian? One day I will challenge you!
Flying around, the black Se baby dragon didn’t find a human quietly leaving on this hill, and didn’t know that this battle made the Black Dragon Corps have a terrible enemy in the future.
NO25 burning plain
A few days later, scorching canyon
A human thief wearing a red Se leather armor occasionally looked up as he walked, and walked along the route taken by Yang Long towards the foot of Blackstone Mountain.
When the thief came to a potholed field, he seemed to notice something stopped, and then he explored it in situ and restored most of the fighting in his mind.
桑拿按摩And this bumpy site happens to be the place where Yang Long met a nightmare after killing the black iron dwarf more than ten days ago. The error is less than 50 meters.
Well, the target accelerated. Did you find me? The human thief looked up and revealed a handsome face. It was a few months ago that he was ordered to go to the deserted exhibition to investigate the evil gods.
A thief, not a ranger, an evil god, has no animals and birds to detect, and there are some common means left by the bags of trade union undead thieves to detect the smell
After such a long time of tracking, although the evil god must be not far from the guy who killed the guild members, the smell is slowly fading.

Michael looked at the virgin cicada light said.

You go back first and recuperate. I’ll take care of it here.
Saint month cicada ignored Michael is said to the injured day Terran around.
I don’t know how good it is!
Wherever Michael went, his eyes were focused. Where was he so seen? His face sank, his hand raised, and a ball of light appeared, which was not too huge but was spinning at an amazing speed.
With a wave of Michael’s hand, the ball of light the size of a football flashed at the virgin cicada.
Saint, look out!
I’ve seen Michael attack badly, and the people of Heaven and Man woke up in alarm at this.
But the saint month cicada looked at Michael’s attack face coldly and saw that the ball of light shot at him and was unmoved.
A group of players looked closely at the past and saw that the ball of light was about to shoot at the ball of light. When the body of the Saint Moon cicada burst, the hand of the Saint Moon cicada violently moved and the slender palm with black runes was accurately caught in the ball of light by mistake.
Fuck! Dare to attack Lord Michael like this!
A fourwinged angel sneers.
But his voice just fell. Michael’s ball of light broke like an egg in the hands of the virgin cicada. The imaginary explosion did not appear. The virgin cicada was not hurt
How is it possible that even we were hit by Michael’s attack?
The talking angel can’t believe looking at the cicada on the virgin moon.
There is a good show!
Michael had behaved so badly before, and many players were worried that the Saint Moon Cicada was not Michael’s opponent, so they would have nothing to look at if they were defeated in one game.
桑拿论坛  title=It’s interesting to see that it is the forged thing!
Michael was not too surprised by this.
The angel clan seals the wings of the Terran clan because these forged wings can threaten the angel clan. Otherwise, they can simply fly. Besides the Terran clan, there are other races such as the Elf clan, but the Elf clan has never suffered from the angel clan because the Elf clan does not have such things that can threaten the angel clan.
However, with these wings, Michael only recently heard that he was a little curious about these wings before attacking and testing them.
Confirm that the wings in front of him are indeed the hands of Michael handed over by the top of the angel family, and once again condense out a ball of light by his side.
But even the players behind can recognize that these light balls are very different from those just a moment ago.
These light balls are all gray and shiny, and the light around them seems to be sucked into the light balls and become very dim.
Virtual ball!
Eleven fourwinged angels behind them saw these balls of light and their faces changed.
Virtual sphere even among advanced angels, there are very few angels who can make special attribute attacks.
Eleven angels present have witnessed with their own eyes that the virtual ball is badly hit by the virtual ball, and some elements will be attributed to the virtual ball, which will lead to a fatal blow to the target. Although the damage is not high, it is destructive, and the general force of the virus makes the hit target gradually collapse and annihilate.
With a wave of Michael’s hand, more than a dozen virtual balls were shot at the virgin moon cicada successively.
With such a large number of virtual balls, Michael is confident that even if the speed of the virgin moon cicada is no matter how fast, the Ministry will avoid it
To hit that wing, Michael had the confidence to destroy these special wings directly.
The angel clan leaders asked him to recycle and seal these wings, but Michael felt that it was better to destroy them directly.
There is a virtual ball special effect, and these wings are hit by him and destroyed.
In the face of the virtual ball attack, the virgin moon cicada remained unmoved.